Innovative Biosystems Inc.


There are many blood chemistry analyzers out there. Here are 10 reasons to GO MAX with the IBI MAX-90 and MAX-290 Analyzers.

MAX-90 Analyzer


1. Immediate Emergency Care In-house testing takes the guesswork out of emergency calls. The turnaround time from an outside lab is often longer than your patient can afford. Saturday night's case of renal failure can't wait for a Tuesday diagnosis.  
2. Improved Medical Care Your own in-clinic laboratory gives clients an immediate diagnosis. Within minutes you know whether a patient needs hospitalization now or out-patient treatment. You can easily prescribe medication and monitor treatment based on scientific conclusions, not speculation.  
3. Effective Time Management Clients never call at convenient times to discuss lab results. Instead, you're in surgery, with another client, or on the phone trying to trace the lab work you sent out four days ago. How often have you explained minor elevations in blood urea nitrogen or alkaline phosphate to a client, only to repeat the conversation when the spouse calls 10 minutes later? What about discussing lab results over the phone with a client you don't even remember meeting? Now imagine examining the patient, performing lab work and discussing results and treatment with the client during the initial 30-minute exam. In-house diagnosis will save time and sanity!  
4. Peace of Mind Despite our perception that clients love to visit us, the fact remains that we're a time-oriented society. Given a choice, clients would prefer a one-trip solution rather than run back and forth to you clinic while you try another guesswork treatment. Sure, more clients visits may help you sell more dog food, but they don't contribute to client satisfaction. Imagine if your physician could examine, diagnose and treat you within 30 minutes at the same facility. You'd be thrilled.  
5. Anxiety Relief How many times have you endured several anxious days waiting for lab results? Remember, most clients consider their pets valued family members. The sooner you diagnose the problem, the sooner you can properly treat the animal and ease your client's worry. An on-site lab decreases your stress level as well by replacing "educated guesswork" with solid diagnostic capability.  
6. Embrace Testing Do you find yourself so pressed to make therapeutic decisions that you don't order lab work, just because of turnaround time? Would you perform more blood tests if you could have readily available results in minutes while the client is in the office? Once you use the MAX-90 Analyzer and MAX-290 WBC Analyzer you'll realize how limited your diagnostic abilities have been.  
7. Pre-anesthetic Testing You can't ignore the practicality of pre-anesthetic testing any longer. This procedure not only helps avoid anesthetic or surgical complications, it lets you establish baseline laboratory values for comparison as the pet ages. In situations where blood work is an option-a routine neutering on a young animal, for example-you have the information a client needs to make an informed decision. These results and a signed consent form are invaluable tools.  
8. Immediate Results Your on-site lab provides clients with tangible information and reinforces the value of your services before the client ever sees the bill. Don't hesitate to charge your full fee when the lab results are normal. Most clients will be relieved-and more than willing to pay for immediate care and peace of mind.  
9. Increased Profits Clients pay more for better, faster service. The poly-pharmacy approach costs clients more money and patients valuable time than your lab work fees do. When used optimally, pre-anesthetic testing and in-clinic diagnostics improve the quality of medicine you practice and generate a sizeable portion of your monthly practice income. Don't forget. Always recheck abnormal laboratory findings. Even better, you have a trustworthy way to document treatment success. Calculate it yourself: Good Medicine = Initial Diagnostics + Follow-up Lab work = Increased Practice Income.  
10. No Hassle, No Worry Practicing better medicine not only increases practice income, it raises your job satisfaction. Don't forget, fun is contagious. You'll spread your good feelings to you staff, and they'll pass it on to clients. It's a never-ending cycle. To be your best, you need more than veterinary skills. With the proper tools and talent, you can practice medicine that provides convenience and compassion. On-site diagnostics can offer better quality of life for your pet through technology.  
Ask Yourself: Can you afford not to invest in MAX-90 Analyzer and MAX-290 WBC Analyzer?



Innovative BioSystems • 2100 South Reservoir Street • Pomona, CA 91766
Phone: (909) 627-2727 • (888) 838-2435 • Fax: (909) 465-1616 •
Innovative BioSystems